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冠诚机械 新闻中心 冠诚机械
发布时间: 2014-4-7
文字 〖 自动滚屏(右键暂停)


  截至1999 年底,全国探明铝土矿产地315 处。我国铝土矿分布于20 个省(区),但主要集中在山西、贵州、河南和广西四省(区), 它们合计占全国总保有储量的91.1 %。其次铝土矿保有储量较多的省区有河北、山东、重庆、云南等。
  根据已有地质条件和成矿条件分析,我国铝土矿的资源总量预计可达50 亿吨,其中山西25 亿吨,河南4 亿吨,贵州5 亿吨,广西7 亿吨,云南3 亿吨。
  一是大中型矿多。在已探明的315 处矿产地中,大中型矿床占1/3 以上,其拥有的储量约占全国总储量的86 %。
  二是矿石质量差。在全国累计探明储量中,加工困难、耗能大的一水硬铝石型铝土矿占全国总储量的98.4 %。在保有储量中, 一级品矿石占1.5 %, 二级品矿石占17.0 %,三级品矿石占12.8 %,四级品及以下占54.6 %,其余为品级不明矿石。
  三是沉积型矿床居多,坑采储量比重较大。我国铝土矿保有储量中,沉积型矿床约占88 %,堆积型矿床约占11 %, 红土风化类型矿床仅占1 %。适合露天开采的约占30 %,介于露采和坑采之间的约占30 %,其余40 % 只宜坑采。且多数沉积型矿床矿体薄,缓倾斜,围岩不稳固,坑采难度大。

Gold chute manufacturers, Shandong gold chute manufacturers, China gold chute exit - Qingzhou Guancheng company


By the end of 1999, the national proven bauxite producing 315. China's bauxite distributed in 20 provinces (area), but mainly concentrated in Shanxi, Guizhou, Henan and Guangxi four provinces (area), which together accounted for 91.1% of the total reserves. Secondly, bauxite reserves in many provinces, Shandong, Chongqing, Hebei, Yunnan etc..

According to the analysis of the existing geological conditions and geological conditions, the total resources of bauxite in China is expected to reach 50 tons, of which Shanxi 25 tons, 4 tons 5 tons in Henan, Guizhou, Guangxi 7 tons, 3 tons of Yunnan.

China's bauxite has the characteristics as follows:

One is large and medium-sized mines. Has verified in 315 mining areas, large and medium-sized deposits accounted for 1 / 3 above, its reserves accounted for about 86% of the total reserves.

Two is the ore quality is poor. In the national total proven reserves, diasporic bauxite processing difficulty, high energy consumption accounted for 98.4% of the national total reserves. In the reserves, a grade ore accounted for 1.5%, two grade iron ore accounted for 17%, three grade iron ore accounted for 12.8%, four grade and below accounted for 54.6%, the rest is unknown ore grade.

Three mostly sedimentary deposits, reserves a large proportion of the pit. To maintain China's bauxite reserves, sedimentary deposits accounted for about 88%, accumulation type deposit accounts for 11%, accounted for only 1% of lateritic weathering type deposit. Suitable for open pit mining accounted for about 30%, between open pit and underground mining accounted for 30%, the rest 40% should only pit. Most sedimentary deposits and orebodies thin, gently inclined, the surrounding rock instability, pit is difficult.

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