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发布时间: 2014-6-9
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Qingzhou Guancheng Heavy Industry Machinery Co., Ltd.


  全市幅员面积3 100平方公里,占长春地区总面积的17.4%。耕地面积16万公顷,林地面积6.5万公顷,草地面积1.3万公顷,水域面积2.5万公顷,整个地理条件大体是“三山一水六分田”。全市共辖13个乡,12个建制镇,5个街道办事处。总人口82.35万人,其中,非农业人口19.48万人。

Gold prices and gold - chute chute - Guan Cheng gold chute - Qingzhou Guancheng company

Jilin province Jiutai non metallic mineral resources

Jiutai is located between the Ji long two, domestic water and land transportation convenience, long chart railway, Ji Chang highway (North) and the Changji highway along the east-west, Kazakhstan highway around the northwest and, nine, nine German highway runs through the north and the south. The city of rural road network density. The territory of second Songhua River inland waterway can be on the south of Jilin, north of Harbin, Jilin, Heilongjiang two provinces is connected to the water main artery, development potential is very great.

The city covers an area of 3100 square kilometers, the total area of Changchun area 17.4%. Area of 160000 hectares of arable land, 65000 hectares of woodland, grassland area of 13000 hectares, water area of 25000 hectares, the geographical condition is generally "one Sanshan water six minutes of cropland". The city has jurisdiction over 13 townships, 12 towns, 5 subdistrict offices. The total population of 823500 people, of which, 194800 are non agriculture population.

The natural and economic condition of Jiutai be richly endowed by nature, rich in organic matter content of cultivated land, fertile soil, black soil, meadow soil of cultivated land area of more than 78%. Rich in corn, sorghum, rice and other crops. The total area of mountain area of more than 18.5%, belong to Low Mountain hilly area, is a wildlife resources. The wild economic plants of 106 families, 322. The medicine village 223, mainly in Platycodon grandiflorum, Schisandra, thorns, raw jute, windproof; edible class 21, mainly has the bracken, Hazel mushroom, pine mushroom, lily; feed 130, industrial raw materials 25. Annual acquisition of over 70 kinds of wild plants, wild economic animal is fox, rabbit and other mountain 26.

The territory of abundant resources of water, the main rivers and reservoirs are: Songhua River, Yinma River, fog, Mu Shi River, Shitoukoumen reservoir, Niutoushan Reservoir, Chai Fu Lin reservoir, a total of 1330 hectares of water surface, the development of aquaculture water Tian river is very favorable.

The territory of the rich tourism resources. There are the famous Karen Lake Resort and Shitoukoumen Reservoir Scenic area.

Mineral resources, large reserves, high grade, first in Changchun area. Has been proven coal, sodium bentonite, perlite, marble, gold, silver and 26 kinds, the utilization and development of these resources, will form a unique economic system.

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